rosemary salve

Rosemary Salve: The Ultimate Herb-y Solution For Healthy, Happy Skin

Rosemary salve is a versatile and effective natural remedy for a variety of skin concerns. Made from the fragrant and flavorful rosemary herb, this soothing salve is packed with ingredients that can help to moisturize, nourish, and heal the skin. This easy, handmade formula is the perfect solution to keep your skin healthy, radiant, and happy. Give rosemary salve a try and discover the healing power of nature.

7 Benefits Of Homemade Rosemary Salve

Wondering why you should consider this wonder balm? In addition to an incredible herbal scent, here are a few research-based details to note…


Rosemary contains a variety of beneficial compounds, including essential oils and flavonoids.

When applied to feet, knees, elbows, hands, or any other dry areas, these compounds can help to moisturize and hydrate the skin by forming a protective barrier that locks in moisture.

Soothes the nervous system

Fascinating research has shown that rosemary can have a significant effect on the nervous system.

In clinical applications, it has been found to have an effect on mood, anxiety, sleep, learning, and pain.

Helps to heal wounds

Rosemary salve may help to soothe wounds by providing a protective barrier for the skin and promoting the growth of new cells.

When applied to a wound, the essential oils and other compounds in rosemary can help to reduce inflammation and prevent infection.

Additionally, rosemary has been shown to have antimicrobial properties, which may help to kill bacteria and other microorganisms that can cause infection.

Has anti-inflammatory properties

Rosemary has anti-inflammatory properties.

The compounds in this plant work by blocking the production of pro-inflammatory substances in the body, such as cytokines and prostaglandins.

This can help to reduce swelling, redness, and inflammation, providing relief from conditions such as rashes, acne, eczema, and psoriasis.

Additionally, the anti-inflammatory effects of rosemary may help to reduce muscle aches and pains, providing a feeling of relief and relaxation.

Has antimicrobial properties

This helpful herb from the earth is also known to have antimicrobial properties.

The compounds found in rosemary work by killing or inhibiting the growth of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms.

This can help to prevent the development of infections, and can also help to keep the skin healthy and free of harmful microorganisms.

The antimicrobial effects of rosemary may also help to reduce the risk of acne and can help to prevent the spread of bacteria and other microorganisms.

Contains antioxidants

The antioxidants in rosemary salve may be beneficial for the skin in a number of ways.

For example, they may help to protect from damage caused by environmental factors, such as pollution and UV radiation.

They may also help to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging, and can help to promote healthy, radiant skin.

Additionally, the antioxidants in rosemary may help to reduce inflammation and promote the growth of healthy, new skin cells.

All natural ingredients

Many commercially-available skincare products contain a wide range of low-quality ingredients as well as synthetic chemicals and artificial ingredients that can be harsh and irritating.

By using choosing all-natural ingredients, you can create a salve based on your preferences and needs and avoid exposing your skin to potentially harmful substances.

That way you can feel confident that the salve you are using is gentle and safe.

Additionally, using all-natural ingredients can help to ensure that the salve is environmentally friendly and sustainable.

How Do You Make Rosemary Salve?

Ready to make your own herbal salve? Let’s get started!


  • 1 cup rosemary-infused coconut oil
  • 2 ½ tablespoons beeswax
  • 20 drops of rosemary essential oil

Not sure how to make an infusion? Find easy instructions here!


Add the beeswax and coconut-infused oil and heat in a double broiler on medium-low until fully melted. Alternatively, you can also microwave for 30 seconds at a time, stirring in between until melted.

Then, add 20 drops of rosemary essential oil and mix thoroughly.

Pour the mixture into your 2 oz containers and let sit overnight or for a few hours until fully hard.

Once they are all hardened, you can put on your lids and enjoy!

Store the containers out of the hot or direct sun and in a dry place, by doing this the products should last 6+ months.


  • Add in vitamin e oil to help preserve your salve even longer! You only need 1 teaspoon.
  • You can use any type of carrier oil for the infused oil. This recipe used coconut oil. You can use avocado oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, or even sweet almond oil.
  • If you want this to be a vegan salve recipe, use candelilla wax instead of beeswax.
  • Use less beeswax if you want a softer balm.
  • Using 2 ½ tablespoons and coconut oil will make this salve harder than most salves.
  • For the healthiest options, be sure to use stainless or glass containers.

Where To Get Rosemary (+ Other Supplies!)

If you’re interested in creating this wonderful herbal salve and adding it to your natural medicine cabinet, you’re going to need at least a small stock of herbs and oils.

And, since it’s so important to support a business that you trust, here are my favorite companies and their amazing products for salves, creams, and herbal oil infusions.

  • Healthy Traditions– this company he coconut oil and Florihana essential oils are my favorite!
  • Mountain Rose Herbs– this company offers high quality products at a fair price and is a great place to find dried rosemary and even the containers! Their website also has a lot of great recipes and resources.

FAQs About Rosemary Salve

Interested in giving it a try but still have a few questions? I’ll try to answer some of the most common here 🙂

1. How do you apply a soothing salve?

This salve is somewhat firm (unless you choose to make yours a bit softer) so you will have to use clean hands to make it just soft enough to melt and rub in. Then, apply a small amount to the intended site.

2. Can rosemary salve be used on the face?

Using rosemary salve on your face may be ok as long as you don’t have an allergy and are sure to keep it away from your eyes.

3. Is this oil safe during pregnancy?

This is definitely something you should ask your healthcare provider. While some believe that rosemary is safe during pregnancy, others advise mothers-to-be to steer clear.

4. Is rosemary salve safe for children?

No. This recipe would not be safe for children. Rosemary essential oil is not considered safe for young children under the age of 10 or so as it can cause respiratory distress in some.

Last Thoughts About Rosemary Salve

Rosemary salve is an all-in-one soothing solution that can help to treat a variety of skin issues.

With its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antioxidant properties, it can reduce redness and swelling, disinfect the skin and protect it from free radical damage.

The natural ingredients make it safe for use for most people, and it is easy to make at home.

Rosemary salve may be just the solution for all your skincare needs!

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