homeopathic books

17+ Best Homeopathy Books Every Beginner Needs

Are you interested in learning more about homeopathic medicines and how they could help you and your family? If you’re ready to have natural remedies on hand for everyday complaints and acute conditions, as well as know how to use them effectively, you’ll want to check out these 17 best homeopathy books for beginners.

The books on this list are perfect for someone that is just starting to learn about homeopathic remedies and is interested in safe and effective ways to aid in healing.

So, if you’re ready to learn more about the fascinating history of homeopathy, case studies, how remedies are made, how to choose the best remedies for any acute ailment, and support health and wellness with remedies that have been used successfully for over 200 years- this list is for you!

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17 Books Of Homeopathic Medicine

In an effort to help you choose from a large number of books available, I am giving reviews of books that I have personally read. There are so many interesting and helpful books out there, so my hope is that this will help if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed or aren’t sure where to start.

1. Organon Of The Medical Art

organon of the medical art

This Organon of the Medical Art was originally written by Samuel Hahnemann, the 19th-century physician who developed homeopathy. But don’t worry, it has been translated, edited, and annotated so that it is easier to read and understand.

In my opinion, this book should be one of the first on the list to read so a foundation of understanding of the principles and philosophy of traditional homeopathic practice can be built.

2. Materia Medica

materia medica

The Materia Medica with repertory by William Boericke, M.D is an interesting read, but almost reminds you of reading the dictionary, but that’s because it’s more of a guide or resource than a page-turning novel.

It is, however, an essential book (in my mind) to have in your library to help find the correct remedies for ailments.

And I do find myself turning through the pages and reading more than expected every time I pick up this book!

3. Repertory Of The Homoeopathic Materia Medica And A Word Index

repertory of the homoeopathic materia medica

The Repertory Of The Homoeopathic Materia Medica by J.T. Kent is a very handy reference book. You can look up symptoms by the area of the body where it is occurring and then drill down by more specific complaints such as

  • bruising
  • soreness
  • if the symptoms are occurring on the left or right side of the body
  • and so on

This helps to narrow down the best homeopathic medicine for the ailment experienced.

If you want to be great at case management and finding the appropriate remedy, there is no doubt that this book will be indispensable to you!

4. Homoeopathic Drug Pictures

homoeopathic drug pictures

Homoeopathic Drug Pictures, written by M.L. Tyler, is the perfect book to help you learn about each remedy in depth.

In this amazingly detailed book, Dr. Tyler describes each medicine’s physical, emotional, and environmental reactions or symptoms and gives a clear picture of the person that would do well with that particular remedy.

5. Homoeopathic Medicine

homeopathic medicine

Homoeopathic Medicine by Harris L. Coulter is a short read but filled with interesting information.

In this small book, you’ll find info about

  • health and disease
  • the homeopathic therapeutic method
  • diagnosis
  • and so much more!

It’s both a great book for someone starting out and a great refresher for those who have been in the field of homeopathy.

6. Essential Homeopathy: What It Is and What It Can Do for You

essential homeopathy

Essential Homeopathy by Dana Ullman is a great homeopathy book for beginners because it is short and to the point.

This book provides an explanation of homeopathy and its history, explains how homeopathic remedies are made, and offers scientific evidence.

There is also information about remedies, how to treat yourself, along with how/when to find professional help.

7. The Patient’s Guide To Homeopathic Medicine

the patient's guide to homeopathy

In this book, The Patient’s Guide To Homeopathic Medicine, the authors state that it is “everything you need to know to make the most of your treatment”, and I think that’s a great description!

Like a few of the previous books listed, this one is not very large, but it is absolutely full of helpful and interesting information.

The doctors (Dr. Robert Ullman and Dr. Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman) do a thorough job of explaining the roots and history of homeopathy, offer compelling reasons to consider this option, discuss sources and preparations of remedies, give helpful dos and don’ts, and tell you how to make the most of homeopathic treatment.

8. The Homeopathic Revolution: Why Famous People And Cultural Heroes Choose Homeopathy

homeopathic revolution

Homeopathy has been used for over 200 years, but did you know that there is a long list of well-known people who use and support this type of treatment?

In this book, The Homeopathic Revolution, Dana Ullman provides stories and quotes from famous people and long-held heroes. In addition, he also explains how homeopathy works and why conventional medicine does not approve.

This book combines references, studies, and personal stories to create an interesting read for anyone curious about homeopathic medicine.

9. The Complete Book Of Homeopathy

the complete book of homeopathy

The Complete Book Of Homeopathy by Dr. Michael Weiner is one I picked up at a discount store but still has a place after moving multiple times.

A quick look at the table of contents will show that this book is thorough and has a lot of information.

You’ll find everything from an introduction to homeopathy in theory in practice to the future of homeopathy, and everything in between.

One of my favorite parts of this book is the case studies. Another thing I found interesting is the history of the remedies themselves.

This is a great book for any homeopathic book collection.

10. A Practical Guide To Vibrational Medicine

a practical guide to vibrational medicine

In A Practical Guide To Vibrational Medicine, Dr. Richard Gerber writes about many different treatments that are considered “alternative” medicine.

In this book, you’ll read about how people (including doctors and researchers) are turning toward new healing methods. There are various vibrational or energetic modalities discussed, including homeopathy.

If you’re ready to take your health into your own hands, believe that our minds and bodies are connected, and are interested in learning more about these fascinating methods of healing, then be sure to put this book on your to-read list!

11. Everybody’s Guide To Homeopathic Medicines

everybody's guide to homeopathic medicines

Everybody’s Guide To Homeopathic Medicines by Stephen Cummings, M.D, and Dana Ullman was first published in the 1980s but is still a great resource.

In this book, you’ll find:

  • remedies for quick relief of common ailments
  • how to support the body’s own healing process
  • ways to strengthen the immune system
  • how to choose the appropriate remedy
  • additional resources and organizations for more information

This is a great book that has stood the test of time and is just as relevant today as when it was first published.

12. The Complete Homeopathy Handbook

the complete homeopathy handbook

The Complete Homeopathy Handbook by Miranda Castro is one that is consistently recommended for people that are new to homeopathy.

In this book, you’ll find introductory information, how to use homeopathy at home, helpful tips, and even case studies.

This complete guide is a thorough and detailed reference book that is sure to be used for years to come.

13. Medicine Moms

medicine moms

Medicine Moms By Arlene Uhl offers a common sense approach to homeopathy and is perfect for a new mom or one that is seeking a more natural form of treating illness like colds, the flu, coughs, a headache, sore throats, or food poisoning.

If you’re looking for a simple and easy book that can help you find safe and effective ways for treating everyday complaints, accidents, and illnesses, this book is one to check out.

14. Impossible Cure

impossible cure

Impossible Cure by Amy Lansky, Ph.D., provides interesting information in regards to the history and philosophy of homeopathy. In this book, the author shares the story of how she believes that her son was cured of autism with the help of homeopathy.

There are also dozens of testimonials speaking to the power of homeopathic remedies from people who suffered from a number of health issues. This book is an interesting read and definitely a homeopathic book to put on your list. 

15. The Homeopathic Treatment Of Children

the homeopathic treatment of children

The Homeopathic Treatment Of Children By Paul Herscu, N.D. is a great resource for parents. This book is an invaluable resource as it provides personality profiles or constitutional types which can help narrow down homeopathic medicines for the treatment of a specific condition or to support overall health.

This book is comprehensive and extensively cross-referenced so someone that is very new to homeopathy may be a little overwhelmed. Still, if you’re looking for more info about classical homeopathy and how to choose the correct remedy for each person to help bring about healing, this is a great choice to have on hand.

16. The Family Homeopath

the family homeopath

The Family Homeopath By Robin Hayfield is a great book for someone just starting out on their homeopathic medicine journey.

This book provides a basic introduction to the practice of homeopathy, a description of the constitutional types for children, an alphabetized list of common remedies, and information about how to treat common ailments or illnesses at home and when to seek the help of a physician.

17. Homeopathic Medicine At Home

homeopathic medicine at home

Homeopathic Medicine At Home by Maesimund B. Panos MD and Jane Heimlich is easy to read, understand, and navigate.

Most acute illnesses are covered and there is even a Materia Medica in the back to help narrow down the best remedies if you are unsure of which to choose.

This book is perfect for a beginner but is sure to be well used as a quick reference even long after the experience is gained.

Homeopathic Books On My Reading List

Here are a few books that I can’t give a review of just yet, but they are definitely on my list to read very soon!

Maybe they will be interesting to you as well 🙂

1. Healing Complex Children With Homeopathy

If your child deals with PANS/PANDAS, Lyme, ASD, ADHD, or other complex issues and you want to look into natural treatment, this book may have good advice.

2. Homeopathic Psychology

If you are interested in learning about constitutional types in more depth, this might be an interesting book. It seems that the author provides some case details from his personal homeopathic and psychiatric practice which must be very interesting!

3. Facial Diagnosis Of Cell Salt Deficiencies

This book is on my desk right now! It is said to provide information about how to read a face and determine which cell salts (also known as tissue salts) a person may need. This is a fascinating concept and I can’t wait to dig into it.

4. Freedom From Infectious Disease

The description of the book states that it “is primarily intended to educate the public about the homeopathic solution to infectious diseases and at the same time teach the homeopathic specialist as well as the general public a thing or two about the rationale and detailed protocols for homeopathic immunization”.

Homeopathic immunization is a really interesting topic that I feel needs more investigation. It is a homeopathic practice not accepted by the medical establishment or FDA evaluated, but one that should be looked into further.

5. Homeopathic Care For Cats And Dogs

We can’t have a list of homeopathic books and not include one for our favorite four-legged friends!

This book, written by a veterinarian, looks like a fantastic resource for anyone looking for a more natural approach to health and how to treat issues using simple remedies.

Last Thoughts About The Best Homeopathy Books For Beginners

Homeopathy is considered alternative medicine, but homeopathic treatment has been around for over 200 years! That’s longer than the conventional medicine we know today.

And while many physicians believe that homeopathic practice is not accepted and there is no medical evidence to support claims of effectiveness, there are in fact science-based articles and studies that support natural alternatives to treating symptoms with drugs.

So, if you want access to a wealth of information about homeopathic remedies and how you can use these medicines for everything from headaches to first aid- be sure to check out the books on this list and start growing your library (and helping your family) today.

PS-Just a word of advice…once you start buying homeopathy books, it may be difficult to stop!

Do you have a favorite book about homeopathic medicines that is perfect for a beginner? I’d love to hear about it! Feel free to comment below or send me a message and let me know.

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